Watches for Sale
Reason to Buy
Press releases
Press Pictures
Press releases
History of Watchmaking
(Size 30 M-Byte)
Speech is Silver, Silence is Golden
(Size 319 K-Byte)
On Water Resistance
(Size 77 K-Byte)
The Time Gallery
(Size 8 M-Byte)
15 Years Anniversary
(Size 9 M-Byte)
ART meets ART
(Size 10 M-Byte)
(Size 4 M-Byte)
The Métiers d'Art of Angular Momentum
(Size 7 M-Byte)
Making a Verre Églomisé Timepiece
(Size 10 M-Byte)
Making of a Illum AQUA
(Size 10 M-Byte)
99 Lacquer Treasures
(Size 23 M-Byte)
Urushi Glossary - About Urushi
(Size 10 M-Byte)
"One Hundred Views" The World of Angular Momentum & Manu Propria - overviews, insights and impressions on Artisan Watchmaking -
(Size 134 M-Byte)
Reflets Enchanteurs - Angular Momentum's Art of Miniature Painting. Book published by Angular Momentum 2012
(Size 7 M-Byte)
The Making of Verre Èglomisé miniature - 300 dpi Picture Catalogue
(Size 2 M-Byte)
Handcrafted Time 09 - Exhibitors 300 dpi
(Size 2 M-Byte)
Handcrafted Time 09 - Exhibited Watches 300 dpi
(Size 25 M-Byte)
Handcrafted Time 09 - Impressions Part 1 300 dpi
(Size 27 M-Byte)
Handcrafted Time 09 - Impressions Part 2 300 dpi
(Size 24 M-Byte)
Handcrafted Time 09 - Impressions Part 3 300 dpi
(Size 24 M-Byte)
Press article on Angular Momentum and Handcrafted Time Exhibition
(Size 1 M-Byte)
Verre Èglomisè - making of "Feeding the Ducks - 300 dpi
(Size 30 M-Byte)
Suiseki and the unique view of nature in Japan - published by Angular Momentum
(Size 64 M-Byte)
Press Information Vulcanite/Ebonite
(Size 64 M-Byte)